Soccer Sam

Ambassador to Soccer Fans

Soccer Sam's duties include educating soccer fans about Kidney Disease. Beginning at the age of 4 years old, Soccer Sam was a child soccer star because of his propensity in scoring goals. His record of 22 goals in one youth soccer game at the age of 5 still holds the record in Nebraska. Soccer Sam played high school varsity for the Sydney Nebraska Rockets being on the AL-State Team for 4 Years straight. After his successful high school career and forgoing college he was drafted into the World Premiere League by the Barcelona Bruins. Prior to reporting to preseason conditioning he was diagnosed with kidney disease, ending his professional career before it even started . Garcia Mendoza, one of his team mates, sacrificed his own career to be a living kidney donor for Soccer Sam. Garcia was quoted as saying "donating one of my kidneys to Soccer Sam was the best thing I have done in my life."